This Furick Kit will be your one-stop-shop to set up your Series 3 TIG Torch with every accessory you would ever want. This kit will have parts for both AC & DC TIG welding. The nozzle sizes will range from a smaller #5 all the way up to the BBW #19 Cup!
TIG Nozzles:
- 2 x #5 Ceramic Collet Body Mount Cups
- 1 x #8 PRO Glass Cup
- 2 x #8 PRO Ceramic Cup
- 1 x Jazzy #10 Ceramic Cup
- 1 x Fupa #12 Ceramic Cup
- 1 x Fupa #12 Glass Cup
- 1 x MooseKnuckle #14 Ceramic Cup
- 1 x BBWSG #19 Ceramic Cup
- 1 x BBWSG #19 Glass Cup
Spare Parts:
- Furick Gas Lens - 1/16", 3/32" and 1/8"
- Furick Wedge Collets (1x each) - 1/16", 3/32" and 1/8"
- Stubby Collet Bodies - 1/16", 3/32" and 1/8"
- Furick TIG Torch Insulator
- 10 x Replacement O-Rings
- Jazzy #10 and Fupa #12 Install Tool w/ Spare Diffusers
- Back Cap Set (1x each) - Small, Medium, Long