The armpad is 12" in height and 13" in width and it is double layered with for more durability. The leather used for this one is thinner than our regular armpads for a more flexible feel |
The armpad is 12" in height and 13" in width and it is double layered with for more durability. The leather used for this one is thinner than our regular armpads for a more flexible feel |
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The armpad is 12" in height and 13" in width and it is double layered with for more durability. The leather used for this one is thinner than our regular armpads for a more flexible feel |
For orders already made or shipping purposes:
For all other questions and or placing an order:
By phone at 346.319.5835
Product Note:
Due to the custom work and high volume of orders, it takes up to 10-15 business days from your purchase order for the completion of your product and or your product to be shipped. The date your shipping option takes effect is based on the completion date of the final product, NOT as of the date of your purchase order. Please keep in mind this is for all our orders.